Meg Pickard: Kurdish protesters storm Guardian office, inspiring curiosity from staffers
Meg Pickard: Staff on stairwell
Meg Pickard: Guardian staff clustered around central stairwell
Meg Pickard: Stacked
Meg Pickard: Stacked
Meg Pickard: If I eat this cupcake, will my friends know?
Meg Pickard: Actually, he never even replied to my letter. Maybe one day...
Meg Pickard: An officeworker's verdict on the time it's taking to build a new bridge section past his window
Meg Pickard: Waiting for the film
Meg Pickard: Cogito ergo sum
Meg Pickard: My walk from office to station just got 75% more traffic-free thanks to the opening of King's Boulevard
Meg Pickard: F8 noms
Meg Pickard: Right wing has no mandate
Meg Pickard: Great cover image today
Meg Pickard: Tufty ears
Meg Pickard: A breakdown of today's contributors to the Daily Mail's new "Right Minds" comment section
Meg Pickard: Osborne's answer
Meg Pickard: The Guardian, 12/09/01 front page
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: p6
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: p7
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: p23
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: G2 p2-3
Meg Pickard: Meanwhile, in other news... p17
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: p24
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: p25
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: G2 p4-5
Meg Pickard: G2 cover 12.09.01
Meg Pickard: Guardian 12/09/01: p16