Meg Pickard: New crochet thing
Meg Pickard: New crochet thing
Meg Pickard: Jubilee
Meg Pickard: View from Leena's studio
Meg Pickard: Attack
Meg Pickard: Progress
Meg Pickard: There is a television on
Meg Pickard: Spoken
Meg Pickard: A nice treat in the mail today from @JamesJanega at #TribNation
Meg Pickard: Danger
Meg Pickard: Twitter @ and d messages - who can see what?
Meg Pickard: London
Meg Pickard: The sun is over the yardarm
Meg Pickard: New shoots
Meg Pickard: Thataway
Meg Pickard: The temptation to plaster these printroom stickers everywhere is almost insurmountable
Meg Pickard: Spotted
Meg Pickard: Dappled
Meg Pickard: Here's to Ted Lowe. A gentleman, commentator and cocktail. RIP.
Meg Pickard: Sabbatical plotting
Meg Pickard: New and old
Meg Pickard: Whoever designed all the electrical points in the BBC's buildings had clearly never heard of plugs which are the otter way around. Very frustrating!
Meg Pickard: A startling EuroTrouser