Meg Pickard: In the library
Meg Pickard: Libyan people
Meg Pickard: Terrifying promo flyer in a camera shop
Meg Pickard: Warning
Meg Pickard: This season's hot new look: the B&Q burka
Meg Pickard: The Story 2011
Meg Pickard: Phil Gyford at The Story
Meg Pickard: Spotted from the train
Meg Pickard: Sanding doors - in progress
Meg Pickard: Hall - after
Meg Pickard: stripping the front door
Meg Pickard: Lunchtime session at work on blogs & blogging
Meg Pickard: Stacked
Meg Pickard: Image from a "hip home crafts" book
Meg Pickard: New etsy purchase - these will be mounted and framed and hung in my study
Meg Pickard: New colour/old colour
Meg Pickard: New colour on dining room chimney breast