Meg Pickard: This is the view from my hotel room balcony this evening. Sorry.
Meg Pickard: Secret document outlines strategy
Meg Pickard: It will raise questions
Meg Pickard: Dear Nature Valley, your advert on the front of Metro this morning demonstrates you're rubbish at maths.
Meg Pickard: You know what they say: red sky at night...
Meg Pickard: Who's left?
Meg Pickard: Is this the most quintessentially British way to spend a sunny summer evening?
Meg Pickard: White Cliffs
Meg Pickard: Seagulls over the white cliffs of Dover
Meg Pickard: This town makes me hungry
Meg Pickard: A bold claim
Meg Pickard: Midge-avoidance technique: the classic
Meg Pickard: A brief plodge
Meg Pickard: To establish new beds
Meg Pickard: View from B&B window
Meg Pickard: Now I've brought it in, what do I do with it?
Meg Pickard: If I poke it, will it jump?
Meg Pickard: Deeply suspicious
Meg Pickard: Fierce hunter in action again. Sigh.
Meg Pickard: Nice plums
Meg Pickard: Pickle's first house-guest
Meg Pickard: In honour of my college 20 year reunion currently happening on the other side of the world, I baked date squares
Meg Pickard: Sleeping. Again.
Meg Pickard: Cobblers
Meg Pickard: British summer
Meg Pickard: Farm Shop