Meg Pickard: The Orbit. Didn't go up.
Meg Pickard: Flying the flag
Meg Pickard: View of the crowd
Meg Pickard: Set before the event began
Meg Pickard: Audience rehearsal
Meg Pickard: During the national anthem
Meg Pickard: During the national anthem
Meg Pickard: Kettling the athletes
Meg Pickard: Cauldron
Meg Pickard: I think this was during I am the Walrus
Meg Pickard: Fatboy Slim
Meg Pickard: This is not a photo of Jessie J. This is a photo of a man on a segway operating a steadicam at the same time. Skill!
Meg Pickard: Fireworks for Rio
Meg Pickard: The Muse fan
Meg Pickard: Jammy git
Meg Pickard: Bakewell tart, black sticks blue, brownie. Glass of champagne not pictured.
Meg Pickard: Nearly ready - exciting!
Meg Pickard: In the time that it took me to get home from east London, the @guardian printed and delivered a newspaper to my house featuring a photo of the event I was just at
Meg Pickard: Wonderwall snippet