Meg Pickard: Building in Manhattan (detail)
Meg Pickard: Westin hotel room
Meg Pickard: Megs in the media
Meg Pickard: Hotel with junction
Meg Pickard: From the window of the airport shuttle
Meg Pickard: Red Queens
Meg Pickard: I don't understand how New Yorkers aren't all the size of buses, given the proclivity of cupcakes
Meg Pickard: Fabrics
Meg Pickard: There's a lot of Apple love at #sparkcamp. I've counted 4 non-apple devices.
Meg Pickard: The tastiness of these bite-sized cupcakes at #sparkcamp is...problematic. Someone needs to physically restrain me.
Meg Pickard: Facebook [@lavrusik likes this] #sparkcamp
Meg Pickard: Today's #sparkcamp schedule
Meg Pickard: Amen, sister: Ignite talk at #sparkcamp about the whitewashing of women from media coverage
Meg Pickard: View from my room
Meg Pickard: For the beauty