Meg Pickard: Step 1: Select some material
Meg Pickard: Step 2: Put the square face down
Meg Pickard: Step 3: Fold the square across, to make a triangle
Meg Pickard: Step 4: Open up the fold, then fold the outer edge into the middle
Meg Pickard: Step 5: Iron flat
Meg Pickard: Step 6: Do the same on the other side
Meg Pickard: Step 7 (optional): Cut a small wedge of webbox iron-on hemming material
Meg Pickard: Step 8 (optional): insert into the V fold at the bottom of the penant
Meg Pickard: Step 9: Fold over the top of the "kite" shape, to make an envelope
Meg Pickard: Step 10: Iron flat
Meg Pickard: Step 11: Repeat
Meg Pickard: Step 12: Pin each triangle to a 16mm strip of bias binding
Meg Pickard: Step 13: Sew along the bias binding, securing each penant in place
Meg Pickard: Step 14: Untangle
Meg Pickard: Step 15: Festoon!
Meg Pickard: Step 15: Festoon!