Meg Pickard: Herbs growing in the Belfast sink outside the kitchen door
Meg Pickard: Double daffodils
Meg Pickard: Anenomes in a bowl on the terrace
Meg Pickard: Lovely red tulips
Meg Pickard: Tulips in planters
Meg Pickard: Sneaky Kerria
Meg Pickard: Tulips, mini daffs and winter pansies in the old Belfast sink
Meg Pickard: Updated: Flowering currant
Meg Pickard: No idea what this is, but it shot up in about a week (update: it's a Peony)
Meg Pickard: No idea what this is, but it shot up in about a week (update: it's a Peony)
Meg Pickard: Wild primrose at the edge of the lawn
Meg Pickard: Not sure what this is
Meg Pickard: Not sure what this is
Meg Pickard: Wild tulip
Meg Pickard: Striped tulips
Meg Pickard: Striped tulips
Meg Pickard: I think this is a damson tree
Meg Pickard: Updated: Swamp Lantern
Meg Pickard: Look carefully
Meg Pickard: Tadpole, extracted for inspection
Meg Pickard: A bad panorama of the fruits of my gardening labours last weekend
Meg Pickard: The fruits of my labour
Meg Pickard: Veg patch:before
Meg Pickard: Veg patch: after (well, half done)
Meg Pickard: Back garden & garage.
Meg Pickard: Someone turned the saturation down in my garden
Meg Pickard: Spotted in the front garden
Meg Pickard: Back garden
Meg Pickard: Garden, spring 2011
Meg Pickard: Tulips in the garden