Meg Pickard: Candelabra in the Mad Hatter's Tearoom
Meg Pickard: Cream tea
Meg Pickard: A found harmonium
Meg Pickard: Lovely restaurant
Meg Pickard: Incredible starter
Meg Pickard: Crispy pooris
Meg Pickard: A little amuse bouche
Meg Pickard: Girls at afternoon tea
Meg Pickard: At the Walpole Bay Hotel and Living Museum
Meg Pickard: At the Walpole Bay Hotel and Living Museum
Meg Pickard: At the Walpole Bay Hotel and Living Museum
Meg Pickard: At the Walpole Bay Hotel and Living Museum
Meg Pickard: Margate
Meg Pickard: At the Walpole Bay Hotel and Living Museum
Meg Pickard: At the Walpole Bay Hotel and Living Museum
Meg Pickard: At the Walpole Bay Hotel and Living Museum