Meg Pickard:
It wasn't me
Meg Pickard:
Spotted on a whiteboard in a building I visited a while ago
Meg Pickard:
The secret life of a children's TV star, revealed
Meg Pickard:
In the bunk3r
Meg Pickard:
My stupid neighbour = the reason I'm going to make damn sure I vote on 6 May
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Just found this 2003 photo from when we first moved to SW14
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Empty sky
Meg Pickard:
Empty sky
Meg Pickard:
I'm pretty sure this is how it played out at the end of the debate
Meg Pickard:
The moment when David Cameron grabbed Nick Clegg by the sleeve to prevent him going into the audience
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
Signs outside a cafe
Meg Pickard:
I've heard of publicity stunts....
Meg Pickard:
...but this is taking it a bit far
Meg Pickard:
The graphic designer who created the new logo for the London Sperm Bank really ought to be congratulated