Meg Pickard: If this is the extent of your aspirations...
Meg Pickard: Would you trust a wannabe politician who can't tell the difference between morning and afternoon?
Meg Pickard: Top of a postbox
Meg Pickard: I only sat down for a minute
Meg Pickard: In Richmond Park
Meg Pickard: Pickle pretending to be an antimacassar
Meg Pickard: Hopeful cat is hopeful
Meg Pickard: Through train
Meg Pickard: Do not park
Meg Pickard: This afternoon's view
Meg Pickard: Leaving the office while there's still some light in the sky feels good
Meg Pickard: I've got an article in this month's communication director magazine
Meg Pickard: Haberdashery/Ribbons/Umbrellas
Meg Pickard: A house for tiny people
Meg Pickard: I went for a walk and made a friend
Meg Pickard: What I have learnt about the value of user comments over time, in most threads attached to a content object (e.g. blogpost)
Meg Pickard: Beyond the meeting room
Meg Pickard: A is for
Meg Pickard: They repainted the door
Meg Pickard: The house where I grew up
Meg Pickard: From Isabel's garden
Meg Pickard: Triffids
Meg Pickard: Thattaway
Meg Pickard: High Tide