Meg Pickard: Stairway Stroop test
Meg Pickard: Enough is enough
Meg Pickard: Just finished
Meg Pickard: Just finished
Meg Pickard: Just finished
Meg Pickard: King's Cross on a summer's day
Meg Pickard: Somewhere up there is a sun
Meg Pickard: Thruster
Meg Pickard: Thrust
Meg Pickard: The result of yesterday's planting
Meg Pickard: I thought I'd experiment with heather in windowboxes
Meg Pickard: Geraniums and petunias down the stairs
Meg Pickard: Even the gnomes are bored of the garden centre
Meg Pickard: On a break
Meg Pickard: Ekow Eshun (ICA) at Do The Arts Speak Digital?
Meg Pickard: In his best suit
Meg Pickard: The top deck
Meg Pickard: Hello, Horatio
Meg Pickard: Watching the plinth
Meg Pickard: Deckchairs on the lawn
Meg Pickard: Lavender window
Meg Pickard: Nuffield college
Meg Pickard: College gate
Meg Pickard: Dan & Gavin
Meg Pickard: Gathering storm