mazaletel: starting point in april
mazaletel: front north corner garden needing work
mazaletel: barren palette
mazaletel: backyard pano
mazaletel: anticipation
mazaletel: lupine
mazaletel: red veined sorrel
mazaletel: vine ripening
mazaletel: garden turnips
mazaletel: getting full
mazaletel: new plantings of radishes
mazaletel: lots of greens and herbs
mazaletel: wintered over arugula
mazaletel: red veined sorrel
mazaletel: the peas are climbing on
mazaletel: mailbox scarlet runner beans
mazaletel: cabbages feeling like its fall
mazaletel: pano of the front yard
mazaletel: peas, two types of kale, beans, radishes two ways and broccoli
mazaletel: spinach, chard, potatoes and onions
mazaletel: greens, zucs and herbs
mazaletel: purple sun