medpal Bhavin Patel: Get, Set, Start, Shoot
medpal Bhavin Patel: The Guiding light of faith
medpal Bhavin Patel: Pigeons to Cellular - communication is key
medpal Bhavin Patel: Blurred in motion
medpal Bhavin Patel: Textured Reflections
medpal Bhavin Patel: Sparrow crop 1
medpal Bhavin Patel: Sparrow crop 2
medpal Bhavin Patel: Sparrow crop3
medpal Bhavin Patel: Sparrow no crop
medpal Bhavin Patel: Colourful day lies ahead
medpal Bhavin Patel: A Place to s!!!!
medpal Bhavin Patel: The National Highway to Oblivion
medpal Bhavin Patel: Dont forget me for the next DSPA Photowalk
medpal Bhavin Patel: Surprised at so many canons and guns pointing at him.