Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Coat of arms of Spanish royal families, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 1r
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Frontispiece signed Don Ramon Zazo y Ortega with seal of Charles III, king of Spain, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 2r
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial A, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 3r
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial P and coat of arms of Bernardo Despuig, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 7v
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial E and coat of arms of the house of Despuig or Puig, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 8v
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial D, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 11r
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial P and coat of arms of the house of Pallas, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 13r
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial D, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 15v
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial P and coat of arms of the house of Gelabert, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 16v
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial D, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 18r
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial P and coat of arms of the house of Mora, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 20v
Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts:
Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise, Initial Y, Walters Manuscript W.736, fol. 22r