John-F: Sleeping
John-F: Haiku: All living beings/want to avoid suffering/ and find happiness
John-F: Magnolia
John-F: When the wind blows through the trees
John-F: Right now is the unfolding of the whole earth
John-F: Haiku
John-F: Kanzeon
John-F: Haiku
John-F: Sunset
John-F: Do not ask me where I am going....
John-F: "learn to listen to the voice within yourself" (Dogen)
John-F: “I perceive the teachings of the world to be the illusion of magicians” (Buddha)
John-F: Magnolia
John-F: Lilac
John-F: Untitled
John-F: When I close my eyes
John-F: Frozen lilacs
John-F: "Nothing we see or hear is perfect. But right there in the imperfection is perfect reality" (Shunryu Suzuki-roshi)
John-F: Union Station
John-F: Welcome Tina
John-F: Summer of the mantis III
John-F: Animal magic: The art of invisibility
John-F: Untitled
John-F: Tadpoles in the pond
John-F: Between a rock and a....