medigirol: Mmmmmmm... Abstract expressionism. Where are the donuts? #homer #joycepensato #ahhht
medigirol: Face of Dog.
medigirol: Goddamn this is delicious. #MDinSD
medigirol: Me, basically, all the time. #emo
medigirol: All hail Al.
medigirol: Vertigo
medigirol: The Devil's drink: 120 proof Knob Creek.
medigirol: Holy sun shower, Batman!
medigirol: Brodie is all groomed up!
medigirol: Brodie like to cross his legs.
medigirol: My iPhone or Yours?
medigirol: Lindsay Weber
medigirol: Metameme Panel
medigirol: Nick Douglas and Lindsey Weber
medigirol: Graydon Sheppard and Kyle Humphrey
medigirol: Topherchris
medigirol: Nick Douglas
medigirol: Lindsey Weber
medigirol: Topherchris
medigirol: The Davore Family and a Walking Meme
medigirol: DSCN3369.JPG
medigirol: DSCN3368.JPG
medigirol: The GIFs That Keep On GIFing Panel
medigirol: Dan Sinker
medigirol: Biella Coleman
medigirol: Molly Sauter
medigirol: Latoya Peterson
medigirol: Duncan Robson
medigirol: Rich Juzwiak
medigirol: Aaron Valdez