Medieval Karl:
Vroom vroom goes Chris Burden at MOMA
Medieval Karl:
Medieval Karl:
Practice at Armory
Medieval Karl:
Boys in Uniforms
Medieval Karl:
Medieval Karl:
Laurie Anderson. Battery Park. Castle Clinton.
Medieval Karl:
Ai Weiwei - Circle of Animals / Zodiac Heads
Medieval Karl:
Ai Weiwei - Circle of Animals / Zodiac Heads
Medieval Karl:
Ai Weiwei - Circle of Animals / Zodiac Heads
Medieval Karl:
Medieval Karl:
potatoes from here http eikoandkoma org index php
Medieval Karl:
A bit of anti-clericalism
Medieval Karl:
Federico Mennella, Rapsodia napoletana, an epic of Naples, in Sonnets, in the Neapolitan dialect
Medieval Karl:
Slave Auction Account Book
Medieval Karl:
Lawyer's Pedigree, Isaiah Thomas
Medieval Karl:
The Children's Friend, Number III, A New-Year's Present, to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve (NY: William B Gilley, 1821)
Medieval Karl:
Nathaniel Paine, compiler, Freaks of Nature Illustrated (1891)
Medieval Karl:
Michael Wigglesworth, The Day of Doom, or, a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgment (Cambridge: Samuel Green, 1666)
Medieval Karl:
The Weekly Rake. A newspaper for dbags
Medieval Karl:
Stolen CARVED KNEE BUCKLES. From West Indian Newspaper. 1776
Medieval Karl:
Mother Goose's Quarto: or Melodies Complete (Boston: Munroe & Francis c. 1824-1827)
Medieval Karl:
David Claypoole Johnston, "Early Development of Southern Chivalry," c. 1864
Medieval Karl:
The Courtship, Marriage, and Pic-Nic Dinner of Cock Robin & Jenny Wren, with the Death and Burial of poor Cock Robin (Harrisburg, PA: G. S. Peters, 1837)
Medieval Karl:
Cinderella, McLoughlin Bros, Pantomime Toy Book (1882)
Medieval Karl:
Cinderella, McLoughlin Bros., Shaped Book (1891)
Medieval Karl:
The Life of Philip Quarll, Giving an Account of his Surprising Adventure on an Inunhabited Island
Medieval Karl:
Christopher Wool at the Guggenheim
Medieval Karl:
Christopher Wool at the Guggenheim
Medieval Karl:
Mona Hatoum. Impenetrable
Medieval Karl:
New Museum, Chris Burden, Tale of Two Cities