Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): We are all a little weird
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): She thought she knew what love was until the day he came into her life and stole her heart.
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): Twenty-eight is great.
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): I am officially neater today than I was yesterday.
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): I totally suck at self-portraits. I should just stick to shooting naturey crap.
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): ♫ I've Got the Right Stuff. Baby. ♫
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): Making Hearts in the Sand
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): It's a Jungle Out There!
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): Self-Portrait with a Nephew
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): Self-portrait with an Aunt
Rosebud Photography (medieval panda): Watching Out for Weirdos