MedicineMan4040: Mr Cooper visits the hood
MedicineMan4040: with the 1.4TC
MedicineMan4040: Flower and 500PF
MedicineMan4040: J meets Nikkor
MedicineMan4040: Backyard king
MedicineMan4040: Obligatory new long lens Moon shot sp
MedicineMan4040: This morning's hawk
MedicineMan4040: GBH low riding
MedicineMan4040: In situ Reelfoot
MedicineMan4040: Touch of Tit
MedicineMan4040: 500PF meets Tufted Tit
MedicineMan4040: First with the 300PF + 1.7TCii
MedicineMan4040: Duck and duck bokeh Reelfoot Lake
MedicineMan4040: First 500PF + 1.4TCiii
MedicineMan4040: With the 1.7TCii for 500mm
MedicineMan4040: Tit stepping right
MedicineMan4040: First shot D500+300mm PF+1.4TCiii
MedicineMan4040: And the Sun sets Reelfoot
MedicineMan4040: Immature Roseate onward
MedicineMan4040: Savannah NWR
MedicineMan4040: Fill the diagonal
MedicineMan4040: And the beat goes on
MedicineMan4040: Gator profile
MedicineMan4040: A youngster
MedicineMan4040: D500+1.4TCiii+500PF
MedicineMan4040: Storks x's 2
MedicineMan4040: Storking about