Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: In the Village Gory there lived the three Martynov brothers.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Nikolai learned a great deal in the Red Army, now he is a metal-worker.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: After his drinking bout Petr encountered a prostitute.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Three weeks later Petr noticed a sore and went to a physician.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Irresponsible Petr begins to spread syphilis.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: With treatment the rash disappeared and Petr prepares to leave for the countryside.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Petr, his cure not completed, arrives in the village.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Before the opening of a shoemaker's shop a church service is suitable.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Petr opened a shoe shop in which he worked with two craftsmen.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: The not fully cured Petr married Agrafena.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: A year later a son is born to Petr and Agrafena.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Petr continues to sow the contagion.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Nikolai spends his vacation in the village.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Petr began to receive serious treatment.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: After a lengthy treatment Petr and his family are healthy.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Vasilii goes to an old woman instead of a hospital.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: The old woman did not cure Vasilii.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Petr spread syphilis widely through the district.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: The reading-hut in the village of Gora was the center of sanitary [education/enlightenment].
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: In the village of Gora a venereological dispensary was opened and began to operate.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Filth Carries Illnesses.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Never give a child a ?
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Don't abandon children.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: In the Summer, bring your infant to a day nursery.
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Don't go to Grandmothers!
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Trachoma - sickness of infection
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: A good hut -- Enemy of Tuberculosis
Johns Hopkins Medical Archives: Interior home maintenance and tuberculosis