MediaPost Communications: Thrilled to be there
MediaPost Communications: Two heads are better than one
MediaPost Communications: She's got legs, and knows how to lose them
MediaPost Communications: Caught smiling
MediaPost Communications: Justin Fluck meets his new co workers!
MediaPost Communications: Submitting my copy
MediaPost Communications: Down the winding staircase
MediaPost Communications: To the beach, you dirty people!
MediaPost Communications: Some horticulturist left their stuff
MediaPost Communications: Wondering who "The others" are
MediaPost Communications: Fans of the velvety jacket
MediaPost Communications: Kantor and Rothman
MediaPost Communications: Cowboy Joe and Nicole Caldwell
MediaPost Communications: Nope, can't use this bathroom either
MediaPost Communications: Another JetVegaser sighting
MediaPost Communications: Enjoying the patio
MediaPost Communications: Richard Blakely looming
MediaPost Communications: Niche, with... wait... where's Matt?
MediaPost Communications: The line from over here
MediaPost Communications: Sparkling the hallway
MediaPost Communications: Couching the conversation
MediaPost Communications: A lovely table setting.