MediaPost Communications: Commence the mingling
MediaPost Communications: Where the ladies at?
MediaPost Communications: Sitting makes the boat feel less tippy
MediaPost Communications: The last arrivals
MediaPost Communications: Relaxing in the early evening sun
MediaPost Communications: Ooo, we love the boat!
MediaPost Communications: The bar upstairs
MediaPost Communications: Content about content
MediaPost Communications: Dotting the i's and crossing the t's
MediaPost Communications: Duck, I think?
MediaPost Communications: Fashionistas on a mission
MediaPost Communications: Bacon wrapped scallops
MediaPost Communications: David Berstein gathers his troops around him
MediaPost Communications: Ok, why haven't we set sail yet?
MediaPost Communications: Serenely cruising ... well, docking.
MediaPost Communications: American, like the American Business Media
MediaPost Communications: Get on the boat
MediaPost Communications: Thinking about the Empire State Building
MediaPost Communications: One of our merry crew
MediaPost Communications: Christi DiLisio cares
MediaPost Communications: Hopefully not telling about the choking incident
MediaPost Communications: Pensive is permitted
MediaPost Communications: The waiter patiently tries to herd the crowd
MediaPost Communications: The Waterfalls