[media] hora fugaz:
Every teardrop is a waterfall
[media] hora fugaz:
Summertime sadness
[media] hora fugaz:
Snail looking for a great bokeh!
[media] hora fugaz:
[media] hora fugaz:
[media] hora fugaz:
Bring me a dream
[media] hora fugaz:
Love me tender
[media] hora fugaz:
Looking for my own north
[media] hora fugaz:
cuteness overload
[media] hora fugaz:
Someday I'll fly away
[media] hora fugaz:
[media] hora fugaz:
Érase una vez...
[media] hora fugaz:
What do you feel when you look me in the eyes?
[media] hora fugaz:
A veces sobran las palabras
[media] hora fugaz:
[media] hora fugaz:
[media] hora fugaz:
You can shoot the breeze if you want
[media] hora fugaz:
*thinking of a good tittle*
[media] hora fugaz:
Do you know you make me cry?
[media] hora fugaz:
Calle Melancolía