diane horvath:
Unleashing Creativity Workshop @ettipad summit
diane horvath:
Ipad summit Unleashing Creativity Workshop
diane horvath:
Parent Workshop: Math in Medfield
diane horvath:
iPad Summit
diane horvath:
Better Together Conference
diane horvath:
Dr. Seus quote
diane horvath:
Greenigeer's MakerSpace Lab
diane horvath:
Steve Chinosi, Genius behind the Greenigeers
diane horvath:
Newton North's Hallways
diane horvath:
Crazy solar powering cell phone tree
diane horvath:
Leading Future Learning -2014 Masscue
diane horvath:
Exolabs - zoom in to see Abe Lincoln
diane horvath:
Exolabs Microscope connected to iPad
diane horvath:
Exolabs Microscope
diane horvath:
ExoLabs Microscope
diane horvath:
Edtechteacher Nexus Webinar
diane horvath:
Steelcase Mobile Chairs
diane horvath:
diane horvath:
Building the schedule at Edcamp BOS
diane horvath:
Microsoft NERD center
diane horvath:
Leading. Learning. the Future Conference 2013
diane horvath:
Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Conference
diane horvath:
PlayDate 2013
diane horvath:
Leading. Learning. the Future Conference 2013
diane horvath:
Leading. Learning. the Future Conference 2013
diane horvath:
Leading. Learning. the Future Conference 2013
diane horvath:
Leading. Learning. the Future Conference 2013
diane horvath:
diane horvath:
Leading. Learning. the Future Conference 2013
diane horvath:
iPad Summit Presenters from Blake