John Meckley: Palacio de Gaudí (right) and Cathedral (left) - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Roman Ruins - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Palacio de Gaudí (left) and Cathedral (right) - Astorga, SpainAstorga, Spain
John Meckley: Roman Ruins - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Roman Ruins - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Roman Ruins - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: City Walls - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Dome - Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Cathedral - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Cathedral - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Roman Ruins - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: City Walls - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: City Walls - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: City Walls - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Palacio de Gaudí (left) and Cathedral (right) - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Palacio de Gaudí (left) and Cathedral (right) - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: City Walls and Palacio de Gaudí - Astorga, Spain
John Meckley: Palacio de Gaudí - Astorga, Spain