mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 1.JPG
mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 2.JPG
mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 3.JPG
mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 4.JPG
mechcozmo: Looking up Brandon's nose.JPG
mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 5.JPG
mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 6.JPG
mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 7.JPG
mechcozmo: The landscape of the Negev 1.JPG
mechcozmo: The landscape of the Negev 2.JPG
mechcozmo: Guide for the day.JPG
mechcozmo: A hot day 1.JPG
mechcozmo: A hot day 2.JPG
mechcozmo: A hot day 3.JPG
mechcozmo: A hot day 4.JPG
mechcozmo: Our mode(s) of transport.JPG
mechcozmo: Rope Bridge in the Negev 8.JPG
mechcozmo: It is forbidden to defy the laws of physics while the bus is in motion.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 01.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 02.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 03.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 04.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 05.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 06.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 07.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 08.JPG
mechcozmo: Birds 09.JPG
mechcozmo: View of the Road from the Bus 1.JPG
mechcozmo: View of the Road from the Bus 2.JPG
mechcozmo: View of the Road from the Bus 3.JPG