reliktå: DSC04809
Rxl4 nd: don't talk.
Michael's Industrial Collection: Drax Power Station, Christmas Night, 2022.
Michael's Industrial Collection: Eggborough Power Station, Turbine Hall
Beebs651: Waverly Iowa Hydroelectric Plant
Beebs651: Radial Nordberg
AccessDen1ed: Concentrate, concentrate
stefaan.decuypere: Power plant _018
Stephane W: powerplants1
Stephane W: powerplantd4
Xavier_Fer: La vie d'après.
Kolnierzak Industrial Photography: Temelin Nuclear Powerplant
Kolnierzak Industrial Photography: Veolia Ęlektrociepłownia Łódź 4
davefillmann: Spawn Kill
davefillmann: The 70s called. They want their bines back.
The Urban Tourist: The Royal Tomb
davefillmann: Bridgekeeper
Beebs651: Watching Paint Dry
Beebs651: Austin Utilities Power Plant
Beebs651: Southern Illinois University Steam Plant
Rxl4 nd: a museum, but the shot was illegal
Rxl4 nd: Stimmt es, dass Endorphine zurückkomm'n... Wenn man absäuft?
doppi4punt4: Ode to KIinger.jpg
stefaan.decuypere: Power plant _001
AccessDen1ed: Steam spider
Beebs651: Martin Drake Power Plant
michaelbrnd: Unit 4 Generator
Rxl4 nd: Glück Auf.