Mecha-Wombat: Mt Annan
Mecha-Wombat: Southern Highlands
Mecha-Wombat: Travers
Mecha-Wombat: Looking east
Mecha-Wombat: Georges fair East
Mecha-Wombat: My block
Mecha-Wombat: Cape Solander
Mecha-Wombat: Auburn Swan
Mecha-Wombat: Reflection
Mecha-Wombat: Powerplant
Mecha-Wombat: Beachside
Mecha-Wombat: Afternoon on the Georges River
Mecha-Wombat: Wetland
Mecha-Wombat: Dreary Sydney
Mecha-Wombat: Dreary Sydney
Mecha-Wombat: Wattamola lagoon
Mecha-Wombat: Wattamolla
Mecha-Wombat: Twin falls
Mecha-Wombat: Bush Stairs
Mecha-Wombat: Harbour bridge
Mecha-Wombat: Sydney lights
Mecha-Wombat: Contained
Mecha-Wombat: Close encounters of the third kind
Mecha-Wombat: Choked
Mecha-Wombat: Stanwell tops
Mecha-Wombat: Sydney tower
Mecha-Wombat: George's Fair Sales centre
Mecha-Wombat: Boat ramp