Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Professor Yu Sun - E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Teaching Assistant Award - Aaron Persad
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Teaching Assistant Award - Aaron Persad
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: University of Toronto Inventors of the Year
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Ted Maulucci receives a 2013 Arbor Award for his volunteer service to the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: The Packaging Association - MIE students win PAC Design Contest 2013
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Professor Mandelis - U of T Inventor of the Year Awards
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Professor Mandelis - U of T Inventor of the Year
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Professor Guenther - U of T Inventor of the Year
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Graduate student Taewoo Lee (second right) wins at HAS
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Chris Twigge-Molecey (MechE MASc 6T9 PhD 7T2) - CAE Fellow
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: William (Bill) Buckley (MechE 7T1) - CAE Fellow
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Suong Van Hoa (MechE MASc 7T3 PhD 7T6) - CAE Fellow
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Professor Emeritus Andrew K.S. Jardine - CAE Fellow
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U of T: Dr. Richard J. Marceau (left) with Mandelis