meccanohig: no5 set 1991 outer box
meccanohig: no5 set booklets with set
meccanohig: no5 set 1991 layout
meccanohig: no5 set 1991 meccano flyer encl
meccanohig: no5 set 1991 advert
meccanohig: no5 set 1991 box lid inner
meccanohig: box lid outer no 6 set
meccanohig: booklets no 6 set
meccanohig: inside box lid no 6 set
meccanohig: interior no 6 set
meccanohig: brochure with 5 and 6 sets
meccanohig: no 3 set
meccanohig: no 3 set
meccanohig: no 3 set box lid
meccanohig: no 3 set contents
meccanohig: no 3 set box lid inner
meccanohig: no 3 set
meccanohig: IMG_4010
meccanohig: IMG_4011
meccanohig: IMG_4012