meccanohig: Robotic arm George Ovenden
meccanohig: Robotic arm detail
meccanohig: Robotic arm
meccanohig: Robotic arm control switches
meccanohig: Robotic arm George Ovenden
meccanohig: Robotic arm detail
meccanohig: Detail top of robotic arm
meccanohig: Grab mechanism from robotic arm
meccanohig: Wilbur the robot by David Wall
meccanohig: A selection of models by Gary Higgins
meccanohig: A selection of models
meccanohig: Tractor and trailer Rick Vine from the Vintage set
meccanohig: IMG_1642
meccanohig: Aircraft Rick Vine
meccanohig: Aircraft Rick Vine from the new 20 model, multimodels set
meccanohig: Fork hoist by Mike Stuart
meccanohig: Bayko country club by Rick Vine
meccanohig: Aircraft Rick Vine from the new 20 model set
meccanohig: Fork hoist by Mike Stuart
meccanohig: David Wall and the robotic arm
meccanohig: Train and loom Henry Porter
meccanohig: Meccano graph Henry Porter
meccanohig: Meccano graph Henry Porter
meccanohig: Loom from meccano magazine Henry Porter
meccanohig: Meccano graph gearing Henry Porter
meccanohig: Meccano graph add on Henry Porter
meccanohig: Loom and meccano graph add on Henry Porter
meccanohig: Robert Sterling hot air engine Gerald Hart
meccanohig: Side view of meccano graph add on table Henry Porter
meccanohig: A selection of models