meccanohig: Gearbox and clutch Les Megget
meccanohig: 1950 mobile crane Les Megget
meccanohig: Off road buggy Matthew Carey
meccanohig: Meccano scissor lift Geral Hart
meccanohig: complete unit
meccanohig: steam engine
meccanohig: Complete unit
meccanohig: Steam engine
meccanohig: Rotating colour wheel
meccanohig: circuilar saw attachm,ent
meccanohig: Gearbox and clutch Les Megget
meccanohig: Meccano Vertical steam engine
meccanohig: Meccano Vertical steam engine
meccanohig: Meccano Vertical steam engine
meccanohig: Meccano Vertical steam engine
meccanohig: Instruction Sheet Vertical steam engine
meccanohig: Remaining box label vertical steam engine
meccanohig: Gearbox and clutch Les Megget
meccanohig: 1950 mobile crane Les Megget
meccanohig: Dockside crane Mike Stuart
meccanohig: Original concept for Khedive of egypt train
meccanohig: Original concept for dragster snow mobile
meccanohig: dragster snow mobile
meccanohig: Mechanical workshop Henry Porter
meccanohig: Mechanical workshop Henry Porter
meccanohig: Vertical drill press
meccanohig: Lathe side view
meccanohig: Mechanical workshop detail
meccanohig: Lathe from mechanical workshop
meccanohig: Railway mechanical workshop Henry porter