meccanohig: king ghidorah 007
meccanohig: king ghidorah 008
meccanohig: king ghidorah 009
meccanohig: king ghidorah 010
meccanohig: king ghidorah 011
meccanohig: king ghidorah 012
meccanohig: king ghidorah 014
meccanohig: king ghidorah 015
meccanohig: king ghidorah 016
meccanohig: king g 001
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano both motors
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano front motor
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano rear view motor fixing
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano side view motors
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano new motors
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano new motors
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano new motors
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano new motors
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano replace front motor
meccanohig: King Ghidorah Meccano replace rear motor
meccanohig: King Ghiodorarh Meccano detail
meccanohig: Further view of added springs Meccano King Ghidorah
meccanohig: Alterations to central head, two springs to pull back head taking load off side sprocket Meccano King Ghidorah
meccanohig: Finished altetrations under test two motors running at 6 volts Meccano King Ghidorah
meccanohig: Finished alteratyions under test Meccano King Ghidorah
meccanohig: finished alterations under test Meccano King Ghidorah
meccanohig: dec 22 13 374
meccanohig: dec 22 13 376
meccanohig: King Ghidorah