meccanohig: Overtype steam engine by Gerald Hart
meccanohig: Jeep by George Ovenden from a design by lloyd Spackman
meccanohig: Ferris Wheel by George Ovenden
meccanohig: Crazy Drilling machine by Henry Porter
meccanohig: Petrol lawn mower by Henry Porter
meccanohig: Optical Illusion machine by Gary Higgins
meccanohig: deep sea submersible by Gary Higgins
meccanohig: Krazy Rocket by Gary Higgins
meccanohig: Tow along cars by David Wall
meccanohig: Nautilus and giant squid by Gary Higgins
meccanohig: Jeep by Mike Stuart
meccanohig: Infrared control race car by Rick Vine
meccanohig: Jog Dog model by Rick Vine
meccanohig: Wooden profile models by Rick Vine
meccanohig: Robots, Forklift and race car by Rick Vine
meccanohig: Red truck display by Rick Vine
meccanohig: Robot selection by Rick Vine
meccanohig: Overtype steam engine by Gerald Hart
meccanohig: Nautilus control room by Henry Porter
meccanohig: For sale table
meccanohig: Motorised Tricycle by Matthew Carey
meccanohig: Overtype Steam Engine Gerald Hart
meccanohig: Tricycle Matthew Carey
meccanohig: Mike Stuart Jeep
meccanohig: Mike Stuart Jeep
meccanohig: Mike Stuart Jeep
meccanohig: Mike Stuart Jeep