meccanohig: Youngsters mesmerised by Meccano
meccanohig: Elektron set
meccanohig: No1 special Aeroconstructor set
meccanohig: No 1 special Aeroconstructor set
meccanohig: Early meccano motor USA
meccanohig: Early Meccano motor ex USA
meccanohig: Early meccano motor
meccanohig: Early meccano motor
meccanohig: No 1 special aircraft parts
meccanohig: No 1 aero constructor box
meccanohig: Elektron set box lid
meccanohig: Elektron set contents
meccanohig: Konkolly horse and chariot
meccanohig: Konkolly horse and chariot
meccanohig: Konkolly horse and chariot
meccanohig: Traction Engine
meccanohig: Traction Engine
meccanohig: Traction Engine
meccanohig: IMG_9845
meccanohig: IMG_9844
meccanohig: IMG_9843
meccanohig: IMG_9842
meccanohig: IMG_9841
meccanohig: IMG_9840
meccanohig: IMG_9839
meccanohig: IMG_9838
meccanohig: IMG_9836
meccanohig: IMG_9835
meccanohig: IMG_9834
meccanohig: IMG_9833