meccanohig: webbing fittings matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: us grenade head 1980
meccanohig: US 45 caibre bullets and cartridge matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: unknown shell head guadalcanal 1980
meccanohig: unknown handle guadalcanal 1980
meccanohig: steel inner bullet casings guadalcanal 1980
meccanohig: spark plugs ex amtracks tetere beach 1980
meccanohig: soluble coffee container matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: rifle slings matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: Phosphorus grenade clip matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: Mortar container lid matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: Mortar bomb wings matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: magazine-2 Matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: magazine-1 matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: japanese water bottle Lunga river -2n1980
meccanohig: Japanese water bottle lunga river 1980-1
meccanohig: Japanese rifle cartridges and magazine clip lunga river 1980
meccanohig: Japanese gasmask eyepeice and charcoal cannister Lunga river 1980
meccanohig: Japanese gas mask charcoal cannister and eyepeice-1
meccanohig: Jap groundsheets clip lunga river 1980
meccanohig: jap groundsheet clip 2 lunga river 1980
meccanohig: gun barrel -1 matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: gun barrel-2 matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: Grenade container lids Matanikau ridges 1980
meccanohig: gear plate from usa 4 wheel drive vehicle guadalcanal 1980
meccanohig: expended bullets guadalcanal 1980
meccanohig: Chain link ex jap zero coast road guadalcanal 1980
meccanohig: box label from mortars matanikau ridghes 1980
meccanohig: Ammunition clips matanikau ridges 1980