measi: Band Sampler Floss Toss - Jan 1 2014
measi: Band Sampler as of 1-8-14
measi: Band Sampler Sketching 1-7-14
measi: Band Sampler as of 1-31-14
measi: Rachel's Band Sampler as it left me March 10th
measi: Rachel's RR as sent 3/7/14
measi: Rachel's RR as received...
measi: Karen's Band Sampler
measi: IMG_1181
measi: Rahenna's Band Sampler
measi: Linda's Band Sampler (as sending 7-7-14)
measi: My square on Kathy's RR (in progress)
measi: Kathy's Sampler as sent 8-25-14
measi: My block for Kathy's Sampler
measi: Top bands added (tulips through larger flower vines above Rachel's sig)
measi: My sampler returned 10-10-14
measi: My Sampler returned! 10-10-14
measi: Flower urn (left) and bunny I added to Jo's
measi: Small flower I added to Jo's
measi: Jo's Band Sampler as of 10-7-14
measi: IMG_1613
measi: IMG_1607
measi: IMG_1609
measi: IMG_1611
measi: IMG_1615