meanlouise: candy
meanlouise: Del Ray Citizen's Association Prez David Fromm models a goodie bag
meanlouise: IMG_1468
meanlouise: the goodie-bag assembly line is a well-oiled machine
meanlouise: IMG_1474
meanlouise: that's not all of them. seriously.
meanlouise: IMG_1485
meanlouise: calm before the storm
meanlouise: IMG_1489
meanlouise: IMG_1491
meanlouise: thank you!
meanlouise: IMG_1496
meanlouise: IMG_1497
meanlouise: IMG_1498
meanlouise: IMG_1499
meanlouise: IMG_1501
meanlouise: the haunted graveyard and maze
meanlouise: turn back!
meanlouise: runaway monster
meanlouise: another monster makes a break for it
meanlouise: IMG_1519
meanlouise: IMG_1523
meanlouise: IMG_1527
meanlouise: It's not officially Halloween 'til you see the 1st pug in a bee suit!
meanlouise: IMG_1550
meanlouise: parade destination & final costume judging
meanlouise: lobster dog
meanlouise: IMG_1574
meanlouise: IMG_1543
meanlouise: IMG_1536