Me And Boo: Today I met Indi. She was very lovely.
Me And Boo: Cute vintage shop in Yea.
Me And Boo: Yea cafe on the way home.
Me And Boo: Tapping my toes to Arty del Rio and band last night at the Brunswick Hotel. #artydelrio #brunswickhotel #indie
Me And Boo: Sunday sketching
Me And Boo: My pompom for Pip Lincolne's installation at Wangaratta Art Gallery, #thepompomdiaries. You can join in too! All the pompoms are being sewn onto a giant rug canvas. The show is called Material Edge and features textile artists. @meetmeatmikes
Me And Boo: Looking forward to brighter skies.
Me And Boo: Palaminos for chocolate and raspberry brownie afternoon tea. #palaminos
Me And Boo: Love pink cherry blossom
Me And Boo: Painted for a friend on a special occasion.
Me And Boo: Vintage shopping in Glen Waverley today.
Me And Boo: Vintage shopping in Glen Waverley today.
Me And Boo: Found! Twoone, Melbourne CBD.
Me And Boo: Found! Ghostpatrol, Melbourne CBD.
Me And Boo: upload
Me And Boo: Quick stop at City Hatters on the way home.
Me And Boo: We accompanied Lilly on the RSPCA Million Paws Walk today. A good day had by all.
Me And Boo: Blythe and new beanie. Made on a whim like ast night. Thanks YouTube!
Me And Boo: Hanging out, just like the old days.
Me And Boo: Project I was secretly working on for months - finally given to little K on his arrival into the world. First blankie I've ever made!
Me And Boo: Photo shoot with these three crazy pups this morning. Fun!
Me And Boo: My beautiful new @cat_rabbit Lion print from @signedandnumbered to add to my collection. Sunday Best Blythe approves. #lovemy_signedandnumbered
Me And Boo: Bargain of the day - $2 @ Freystown Antique and Collectibles Fair.
Me And Boo: Ralph, our Delta Dog visited today.
Me And Boo: Grow Hope, Daffodil Day. xx
Me And Boo: Went to the op shop specifically for a plate and some doilies. Came home with these.
Me And Boo: I love him! This fella by @cat_rabbit with @thestorybookrabbit plates in the background. Just some of the amazingly gorgeous pieces at Lepus Australis in No Vacancy Gallery today. Wish I had a few grand to buy up. Great cause as well.
Me And Boo: Awww, came home last night to find my Mister had made me a pic, using his photo and my drawings. He's trying to inspire me!
Me And Boo: Absolute bargain squirrel chap found at Marysville community market.
Me And Boo: Beautiful compact case I discovered in Marysville antique store. Just gotta remove the price sticker properly.