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mountain goat grabbin' a snack!
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giraffe hiding his head in the rocks
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don't ya just love polar bears?
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is it dinner yet?
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Jaguar ready with pose!
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curious red panda
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looks like he wants to tell me something!
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elephant standing ready for picture!
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gorgeous pinto!
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I think he's got his eye on me!
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horses grazing
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the beauty seen in the giraffe
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a palomino and his friend
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one of man's sweetest friends!
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the love of a good friend...
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enjoying the sunshine
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"well, hello! ...and what's your name?!"
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you'd think he were posing!
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here, kitty kitty!
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the perfect pose!
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tiger stripes!
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Arctic Fox
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tiger profile
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reindeer, tis the season!
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I think I got her attention!
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looks like he's got somethin' to say!
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standing proud!
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raccoon ready for pose
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the fight is on!
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bull elk, proudly displaying his headgear