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Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse
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colorful flowers
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curious red panda
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Jaguar ready with pose!
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don't ya just love polar bears?
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music to the soul!
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precious pink rose
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monarch butterfly in all his beauty!
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garden guest
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bright yellow star
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happy days of summer
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monarch butterfly in all his glory!
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bright colors of autumn!
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give it your best shot!
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the beauty of flowers
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laughter refreshes the heart
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peace and contentment
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don't give up on your dreams!
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selfless giving
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journey on your pathway...
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the miracle of a sunrise
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that which moves the soul...
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stand proud!
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...emerge into the light
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courage is tested...
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nothing is more memorable...
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rustic orange and navy blue of sunset
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success is a journey...
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taking it all in!
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beauty reflected!