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Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse
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Jaguar ready with pose!
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perfectly purple petunias
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is it dinner yet?
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music to the soul!
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giraffe hiding his head in the rocks
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pale pink, delicate rose
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precious pink rose
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monarch butterfly in all his beauty!
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monarch butterfly making his rounds
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garden guest
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coneflowers in detail!
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bright yellow star
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sweet, happy morning glories
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nature's bright, yellow star
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a sea of purple coneflowers
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cranberry hollyhocks-heavenly!
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macro hollyhock
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the one at the top!
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white edges make 'em pop!
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summer's beauty in full bloom!
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up close--so delicate
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coneflower cornered!
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happy days of summer
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summer in full-bloom!
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raindrops keep falling
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a lily's laughter
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beauty magnified
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sun setting over Fox Lake
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sweet tranquility...