Meags Fitzgerald: Photobooth: A Biography- Book Cover
Meags Fitzgerald: Long Red Hair
Meags Fitzgerald: Improvising Now Book Cover
Meags Fitzgerald: Rape is Not About Sex
Meags Fitzgerald: Bloomfield for the Coast Magazine
Meags Fitzgerald: Menu for the Coast Magazine
Meags Fitzgerald: Lindsay Duncan - Before I Knew Poster.pdf
Meags Fitzgerald: She Does the City book review of Drunk Mom
Meags Fitzgerald: Samantha Bee for the Coast Magazine
Meags Fitzgerald: The Last Triangle for the Coast Magazineped WEB
Meags Fitzgerald: Morris House for the Coast Magazine
Meags Fitzgerald: SheDoesTheCity- Clothing Swap
Meags Fitzgerald: Summerhill Breeze for the Coast Magazine
Meags Fitzgerald: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy for the Dalhousie Gazette
Meags Fitzgerald: The Coast
Meags Fitzgerald: Bitch Magazine- Feministory Comic
Meags Fitzgerald: MFitzgerald Long Red Hair