meagain625: Dodge Tough
meagain625: The Alien
meagain625: First Bloom
meagain625: And how was your weekend?
meagain625: Dusted
meagain625: Coming full circle
meagain625: Pretty in Pink
meagain625: When I think of you, I always remember the smell of roses, and how your lipstick would leave a print on my face as you said goodbye.
meagain625: Pumping Gold from the Ground in Texas
meagain625: International Fender
meagain625: '67 T-Bird
meagain625: Storms never last
meagain625: With the pleasure, the pain
meagain625: In West Texas
meagain625: Only you.
meagain625: Sunflower
meagain625: Feeling a bit shy
meagain625: The power of light
meagain625: Night Shadows
meagain625: Shadows
meagain625: Taking flight
meagain625: Blue and Green
meagain625: Chianti Hybrid
meagain625: Don't close your eyes...
meagain625: Finding treasures
meagain625: Surprise pond
meagain625: Ready to catch you if you fall.
meagain625: Survivor
meagain625: Life gains a foothold
meagain625: Gatherers of Light