mdx: a boy and his bakugans
mdx: Jo arrives at work
mdx: uninspired self portrait
mdx: Metropolitan Line
mdx: touchline
mdx: Cool for Cats
mdx: cupboard still life
mdx: bike in the park
mdx: wait here
mdx: Mandela Way T-34 Tank - detail
mdx: our new sofa
mdx: feet on the ground
mdx: Guys Hospital courtyard
mdx: post trolley
mdx: B18
mdx: retro lift
mdx: we have visitors
mdx: fire exit still life
mdx: stop fightin fight the goverment
mdx: I'm watching you!
mdx: sleep well you winged spirits of intimate joy
mdx: All the world's a stage
mdx: spannerscape
mdx: ready for work
mdx: Tabard sunset
mdx: Primordial Soup
mdx: a hasty exit