mdx: chippy in the high street
mdx: bridlington harbour
mdx: deckchair men
mdx: hard at play
mdx: me with aunty dorothy
mdx: boy on the beach
mdx: seaside snap
mdx: spotted in the garden
mdx: dorothy's amazing new consevatory
mdx: dorothy
mdx: watering
mdx: Rope Walk where my dad was born
mdx: the inside of the Methodist church which cousin Sue keeps amazingly clean
mdx: Sue shows her beautiful bathroom at the church
mdx: the stage
mdx: Sue and her poetry book
mdx: the boiler room
mdx: the roxy where granny Alice used to play bingo
mdx: my dad said to go here and get a curd cheese cake but we were too late - it was closed
mdx: tracks to somewhere
mdx: tracks to somewhere else
mdx: heny and bridlington eye
mdx: bridlington eye
mdx: Dorothy, Gillian and Sue
mdx: Chris in the milking shed
mdx: another red admiral
mdx: watching the milking
mdx: Sue has a tiny shed with a bench in it for sitting in the garden - complete with curtain if it's raining
mdx: Sue's house from the garden
mdx: water heater in the church