mdot: arafat portrait in graffiti
mdot: al muqata'a - arafat's grave
mdot: al muqata'a - arafat's grave & memorial
mdot: shahid poster
mdot: israeli occupation
mdot: illegal jewish settlements
mdot: checkpoint
mdot: the wall
mdot: the security fence
mdot: old tanker
mdot: israeli tools of peace
mdot: gelbo'a prison for palestinians
mdot: meggedo prison for palestinians
mdot: al ghore
mdot: checkpoint
mdot: checkpoint to nablus
mdot: victory
mdot: haram al-sharif
mdot: haram al-sharif
mdot: qalandiya checkpoint
mdot: the wall surrounding ramallah
mdot: the wall
mdot: asqalan beach
mdot: illegal settlements
mdot: the wall outside ramallah
mdot: qalandiya checkpoint
mdot: wall graffiti
mdot: chaos at qalandiya
mdot: al-aqsa
mdot: muslim quarter