Edu-Tourist: "The Laud is My Shepherd," Osmond Watson
Edu-Tourist: The Diggers (1936-7)
Edu-Tourist: The Mother (1979)
Edu-Tourist: Into The Sun
Edu-Tourist: Morning in the Rio Grande Valley, Jamaica
Edu-Tourist: Early morning view from my cabin
Edu-Tourist: maroon-trail-scenes
Edu-Tourist: bowden-pen-personalities
Edu-Tourist: Rural scene in Bowden Pen, Portland
Edu-Tourist: National Park informational sign at the Bowden Pen origin of the Cunha Cunha Pass trail, Jamaica
Edu-Tourist: Installing signs at the beginning of the Cunha Cunha Pass trail
Edu-Tourist: Pointing the way to Quaco River and Quaco Falls
Edu-Tourist: Three Finger Falls, in Jamaica's Blue Mountains
Edu-Tourist: a typical trail scene, st. thomas side
Edu-Tourist: clouds over the john crow mountains, from the village of millbank
Edu-Tourist: clouds over the john crow mountains, from the village of millbank
Edu-Tourist: a jamaican ranger station
Edu-Tourist: sunday morning in rural jamaica
Edu-Tourist: sunday morning in rural jamaica
Edu-Tourist: view into the rio grande river, portland parish
Edu-Tourist: Portland Roadside View IV
Edu-Tourist: Police Station in Portland VI
Edu-Tourist: Police Station in Manchioneal
Edu-Tourist: View of Long Bay
Edu-Tourist: Eastern Trader + Book Store
Edu-Tourist: Driftwood II - May 22
Edu-Tourist: Fire hydrant in front of Devon House
Edu-Tourist: Looking out towards Bowden Harbor from the slopes of Johnson Mountain
Edu-Tourist: Hordley Crossing, St. Thomas
Edu-Tourist: Beautiful Tropical Bloom