Edu-Tourist: Slide 01 Caption: "The Eyes looked at her thoughtfully."
Edu-Tourist: New to me
Edu-Tourist: Mark R. Cheathem, Who is James K. Polk? (Lawrence, Kas.: University Press of Kansas, 2023
Edu-Tourist: Agricultural Bank of Natchez, Mississippi State Report [crop]
Edu-Tourist: Agricultural Bank of Natchez, Mississippi State Report [crop] The Rough-Hewer, Devoted to the Support of the Democratic Principles of Jefferson.
Edu-Tourist: “Marching Through Georgia” at the Auditorium Theatre, 1906; “The Wizard of Oz” at the Willis Wood, 1904
Edu-Tourist: Crockett
Edu-Tourist: The North Star (Rochester, NY), Fri, April 6, 1848, p. 1.
Edu-Tourist: _The North Star_ (Rochester, NY), Friday, April 6, 1848, p. 4.
Edu-Tourist: _The North Star_ (Rochester, NY), Friday, April 6, 1848, p. 2.
Edu-Tourist: "Is Ignorance Bliss?" _The North Star_ (Rochester, NY), Friday, April 6, 1848, p. 3.
Edu-Tourist: July 1838 observations, published in Aristocracy in America (London: Richard Bentley, 1839).
Edu-Tourist: Pp. 66-67: John C Calhoun and the June 1843 Democratic state convention in Georgia
Edu-Tourist: Jean-Achille Benouville, Colosseum Viewed from the Palatine (1844)
Edu-Tourist: millerite revival at pettit's woods
Edu-Tourist: The Holy Alliance, “Chap. 2: a sermon, three hundred miles long.” Lithograph in the collections of the American Antiquarian Society.
Edu-Tourist: “Chap. 2: a sermon, three hundred miles long.”
Edu-Tourist: “Chap. 2: a sermon, three hundred miles long.”
Edu-Tourist: “Chap. 2: a sermon, three hundred miles long.”
Edu-Tourist: “Chap. 2: a sermon, three hundred miles long.”
Edu-Tourist: National Intelligencer
Edu-Tourist: Breach of Privilege: Cilley Family Papers, 1820-1867